poster stopTime startTime volume movieTime movieRate size visibility directToStage controller duration trails resource mTransDial mCanDoTrans mAtTransition menuItems menuItem menus menu mSetHandler extend condense shadow outline underline italic bold plain center castmembers textSize textAlign textHeight textFont textStyle name playCast playFile stop fadeOut fadeIn stepMovie stopMovie startMovie idle after before mPerformOther mCastInfo mSelect in picture lines items words chars mMessageList mInstanceRespondsTo mRespondsTo version startScript mVerbDispose noclear mGetText mSetText mCloseEditor mOpenEditor on mEvent playRect mQuit mStartUp mKeyDown mMouseUp mMouseDown mIdle mUpdate mActivate mPerform constraint midiSongpointer midiSong midiBeat midiContinue midiStop midiStart xcmdglue noflush super mput mget mdispose mverb cast hilite text cursor stretch backcolor forecolor immediate puppet label timeout pause moveableSprite editableText sound palette transition pattern loch locv bottom right matframe mdescribe mname mnew whatfits tempo sync noUpdate loop clickStop click byFrame nosound into frame done intersects within keyDown mouseDown mouseUp ink linesize height width left top castNum type movie with end repeat while factory macro off me if to of method ) empty else then , field line item word char or and = starts contains >= <= <> > < && & - + mod / * not quote backSpace tab enter return false true sprite # the (